Saturday, March 17, 2012

Wisteria :)

I was walking around the garden and couldn't resist taking pictures to post of my beautiful Wisteria. I love this vine to death (even though people say it can be invasive). For me, it's not officially spring until the wisteria has bloomed. It makes the garden look beautiful just in time for Easter. The yard is speckled in little purple flowers that have dropped off of the vines. If being in love had a smell, I'm pretty sure it would smell like Wisteria :)
 Spring <3

 Little busy bee pollinating my Carolina Jessamine:)
 Purple clouds floating in the sky...
 Gorgeous colors

 Showered in Purple
 Doesn't it just look so elegant and airy? :)

 The grass all sprinkled in purple

 Cool colors

 Mulberries!!! another sign of spring :)

 Fluffy clouds :)

 Floating in the blue...

 Beautiful :)
 My worst enemy...but he looked so cute just sitting there :)
 These are growing beautifully...the name escapes me at the moment,though.
 The wisteria reaching into the mulberry tree. No matter how many times I trim it, It always seems to make its way into the tree every spring.
 The colors are beautiful. It almost looks like grapes.
The inside hasn't wanted to bloom, though. It seems like the drought last year has cut down the number of blooms this year. It's still very beautiful, though. You can also see on the left where I "repaired" the falling trellis. I used the weight that was causing it to fall, to hold it up! :)I just laced one long strong vine through the trellis and around the posts. :)

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